What our Clients are Saying about Micro-Iboga:

“This is one of the strong suits, or powerful tools, of this program: it’s not just that you’re taking this medicine, it’s not just that you’re introduced to particular kinds of meditation, it’s that you’re doing that with other people and you’re sharing your experience with them, in a very honest, open and safe environment. And that is where the medicine is, I believe, in the joining of the plant medicine, ideas and practices that are healing, and your interactions with people.”

Travis, Micro-Iboga participant Oct 2023

“My experience with the Iboga microdosing was really profound. One significant pattern that showed up in different ways had to do with the opening up of the greater sense of possibility. I started having much bolder ideas and acting more boldly, and experiencing shifts of perspective that were expressing through behavior, thoughts, and decisions I was taking. There was a sense of things moving, a greater connection to the flow of my own life.”

Amy, Oct 2023 Participant

I CANNOT OVERSTATE how important, significant and cutting-edge this program is. There seems to be a paradigm shift happening, we are rediscovering plant medicines and the communal use of these things. In this context, microdosing Iboga has a lot of promise, for things like anxiety, depression, addictions. And there’s so much that we don’t understand yet. This is a really pioneering program. It’s really at the tip of the spear for this movement.”

Travis, Micro-Iboga participant Oct 2023

“I experienced an intellectual uptick when it came to focus and sharpness .”

John, writer, Micro-Iboga participant May 2023

“One of the other words was “fertility”. There was a sense of fertility in my life that I could notice it surging. A little idea would come my way and I could just plant it. Very magical! For example, during this period, I received a new idea about my business life, and my head exploded! I just saw how possible this new idea would be, and then I immediately followed it, I was just on it! I was like on the ground, exploring this. It was unusually exciting, usually even if I have a great idea, I’m like “I’m just so tired, maybe Saturday, maybe someday after I rest.” This time I was able to not only feel the possibility, but something in my being really wanted to move with it.”

Amy, Oct 2023 Participant

“I noticed a flashiness, like flashes of insight, like clues! You know the breadcrumbs trails that we follow in life? I felt like the medicine was dropping breadcrumbs, I was experiencing them as flashes of insight, like gifts that were being delivered, from… I don’t what, the beyond. The medicine connected me to that.”

Amy, Oct 2023 Participant

“I set an intention that I wanted to explore why I would get triggered at the thought of speaking my truth in certain situations. Whenever I decide to do any kind of a medicine journey, it seems like everything starts to line up, and during this process, I was challenged quite a few times with exactly this issue, several situations came up where I needed to speak my truth. If it hadn’t been for the feedback from Vicente, plus the medicine, I don’t think I would have gotten as much out of it as I did. I truly feel that the microdosing process helped me integrate not only this issue of speaking up, but it helped a lot of things that had come up in previous medicine journeys just make so much more sense.”

Alison, Oct 2023 participant

“The Iboga microdosing had a very strong nootropic effect. I was taking this on my working days, and I work very hard doing high endurance, highly detailed mental activity, and I was like “damn!” I was really doing well! A lot of focus, a lot of clarity, being able to shift between things, being able to hold a lot of things.”

Amy, Oct 2023 Participant

“My physical experience with Iboga microdosing was at times very strong, almost comparable to how I felt post-ibogaine (flood) dose after Mexico. Very powerful energy moving into and through me, and a sharpening of senses.”

Alex, Actor, Micro-Iboga participant May 2023

“I set an intention that I wanted to explore why I would get triggered at the thought of speaking my truth in certain situations. Whenever I decide to do any kind of a medicine journey, it seems like everything starts to line up, and during this process, I was challenged quite a few times with exactly this issue, several situations came up where I needed to speak my truth. If it hadn’t been for the feedback from Vicente, plus the medicine, I don’t think I would have gotten as much out of it as I did. I truly feel that the microdosing process helped me integrate not only this issue of speaking up, but it helped a lot of things that had come up in previous medicine journeys just make so much more sense.”

Alison, Oct 2023 participant

“I loved the microdosing, but I think that the important part was the meetings with Vicente and the integration part. I think Vicente is off the charts, so professional, so skillful at helping people as they share and drill down to the absolute core of our issues. I can’t say enough about Vicente, He’s just a gem. He has a way of drilling down to what’s really going on, and his compassion just takes my breath away.”

Alison, Oct 2023 participant

“Difficult emotions would come up, but now I was much better able sit with the discomfort and I was able to sit with a couple of very difficult situations that occurred in my past and not focus on what, who, and why it happened, but just sit with the emotion, and then it would just melt away and I could just look at it for what it was and then set it aside and move on.”

Patrick, Veteran, MicroIboga participant May 2023

“I came into the microdosing program after finishing my first year of nursing school, and my body and mind were in rough shape. My nervous system had been stuck in sympathetic activation (fight-or-flight mode) for a long time, and I was dealing with innumerable symptoms as a result: insomnia, severe PMS, digestive problems, irritability, depression, brain fog, fatigue, and anxiety, to name a few. My cortisol levels had been high for the past year, and I felt sick and inflamed everywhere. I was taking close to a dozen medications and herbs/supplements to try to keep these symptoms at bay, but with minimal success. The iboga was a tremendous help-- what an unexpected gift! Within about two weeks, I felt a deep calm in my mind and body. It was similar to the feeling you might get after a day of swimming and laying in the sun by the ocean, but without the sleepiness. After about a month of microdosing, it occurred to me that I was not just “having an interesting experience”; my mind, body, and nervous system were actually resting and healing. It felt like my nerves and neurons had previously been raw, but were now coated with something protective, conferring a new resilience. I didn’t even know it was possible to move through the world with such quiet and lightness. The majority of my stress-induced symptoms disappeared along with the stress response, and I no longer felt a need for most of the other medications. Iboga microdosing was a complete game-changer for me, and I hope for many others who are suffering from chronic stress and all of its associated maladies! This program is unique in the way it supports you in your day-to-day life, which is arguably even more powerful than having a big retreat experience away from home.”

Sara, Nurse, Micro-Iboga participant May 2023

“My experience was that I connected with my intuitive mind, it was just constant. Every week there was some big revelation. At the end I was excited for it to end. It was a lot!... My experience with this medicine is that we have that quiet voice in us that’s always telling us stuff, and it can be hard to listen to because of our egos, or our distractions. But the voice is always there and the voice is always right. Iboga made it so it was louder. I couldn’t really run from stuff, I had to connect to what was affecting my life. And since then I’ve already made big decisions and big changes. The microdosing was the key in the ignition to make drastic and radical change. There were huge epiphanies.”

Alex, Actor, MicroIboga participant May 2023

“I have gained insight into my own behaviors which had previously eluded me, allowing me to make corrections as a virtual observer with an interest in the outcome. Sort of like the difference between spear-fishing while swimming underwater with the danger of sharks or drowning and the peaceful, relatively safer method of fishing from inside a boat. Iboga helps keep the water under the boat.”

John, Writer, MicroIboga participant May 2023